How to Place a Booking- Submit your Package inquiry to PACKAGE INQUIRY FORM
- We will call you shortly to confirm availability & details for your wedding
- Follow-up wirh payment instructions to make a booking
- 5-hour actual day wedding day photography. Valid only for actual wedding day only
- Professional photographer coverage on actual wedding day.
- Indoor or outdoor location. (1 location within PJ & KL only.).
- DVDs of all photos.
- Valid until MAR 31, 2013, Redemption period: NOV 2012 – MAR 2013
- Bookings must be made between NOV 2012 – MAR 31, 2013.
- Bookings subject to availability.
- Limited 1 booking per couple.
- Rescheduling must be done at least 3 months prior to agreed date and subject ro RM300 rescheduling fee
- Extra 1 hour (RM150, only applicable in conjunction with half day package)
- Extra 2 hour (RM300, only applicable in conjunction with half day package)
- Extra 3 hour (RM450, only applicable in conjunction with half day package)
- Travel 50km outside of the Klang Valley (RM100)
- Travel 100km outside of the Klang Valley (RM200)
- Travel 300km outside of the Klang Valley (RM400)
- Same Day Edit Photo slideshow (RM200)
- Additional photographer (RM500)
- 20 page printed photobook (RM300)
- 40 page printed photobook (RM400)