A spectacular Indian engagement ceremony at the Sri Ayyanareeswarar Hindu Temple in Wangsa Maju. In every single photo the bride looked so radiant and has once of the most natural, heartfelt and sincere smiles which I've come across. It was just an absolute joy to cover this event as the environment & lighting just looked absolutely extraordinary.
We make every special moment a captured masterpiece. Great friendly photographers who will capture the joy of your momentus life events. No assignment or budget is too big or small for us. Professional Wedding Photographers & Videographers. KL, PJ, Klang Valley, Penang. (Wedding Photo Malaysia)
Gayathri & Shogun's Engagement Ceremony
A spectacular Indian engagement ceremony at the Sri Ayyanareeswarar Hindu Temple in Wangsa Maju. In every single photo the bride looked so radiant and has once of the most natural, heartfelt and sincere smiles which I've come across. It was just an absolute joy to cover this event as the environment & lighting just looked absolutely extraordinary.